The Character of Eldership

Read 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9

Matthew outlined 10 character qualities that an elder should demonstrate in his life. 5 are about managing himself, 4 managing others, and finally one important skill.

Managing himself

1. Above reproach
2. Not addicted to wine
3. Free from the love of money
4. Not violent, but disciplined
5. Receptive to apostolic direction

Managing others

6. Hospitable
7. Leading his wife
8. Fathering his children
9. Gentle, not a bully
10. Able to teach, and not a new convert

We all want to live lives above reproach, not addicted to alcohol, controlling our temper, not being enticed by wealth, hospitable, gentle with others, leading others in faith, winning them rather than bullying them, not being afraid to exercise order and disciple when needed, teachable and open to leadership and being able to expound the word of God to others in a clear knowledgeable way. It is just that for choosing elders, they should not just be ‘a work in progress’ somewhere along this trajectory, but able to demonstrate these things now.

Questions :

  • Go through this list and talk about what each means to you. Why is it important that our leaders are good examples for us to follow them; what are the disastrous results when they are not?
  • Why do you think it is that Paul so majors on character and not achievement and ability?
  • Pray for these guys in particular, but also all the elders and Dave Holden as we seek God for the way forward for King’s.