The Good News

Karis spoke from Psalm 34, (read the whole psalm) to encourage us to "taste and see that the Lord is good". This is because if we do, we can know the freedom of the Lord that casts out all fear, and we can be saved from our sin, receiving grace. Praise the Lord.

The challenge is, that we cannot just taste and see that the Lord is good once, we need to do it again and again, just as you would keep eating chocolate. Also when you realise how good it is, it means you have to share it with others, just like you would if you went to a nice restaurant.

But what stops us from doing this? What are the barriers and chains we might have that either stop us from giving our lives to Jesus, or from living for Him completely?

1. Fear

We might be scared that we won't be given the gifts, or that we won't be able to see the Lord and experience Him. We might also be scared that we don't deserve it.

  • God gives to all and says in Matthew 7:7 ,ask and it will be given to you. The Lord will give us these things and will reveal himself if we ask Him to, that is His promise.
  • Grace also means that everyone gets it, no matter what.

The psalm says fear will be gone, so let's not let our fear stop us from taking a step of faith that can destroy all fear.

2. Cost

Repentance and following the law can seem costly, and they can also be scary, but the Psalm calls us to turn from evil.

  • We do this out of relationship though, out of our love for God because He loves us, and that means He strengthens us to manage these things.

3. Distractions

Earthly things seem pleasing, or maybe there is old pain that prevents us coming to God.

  • God can heal these painful things, and wants to give us things so much better than the world can offer. The Psalm says we will lack nothing.

4. Scepticism

People can question, is God real? Are these good things just coincidences?

  • People need to discover God as real for themselves, invite them to Alpha, encourage them to read the bible. Also, Jesus fulfilled so many of the prophecies that were written about him in the Old Testament that it cannot be a coincidence.

We must let the Lord break down these barriers and be strengthened by the Holy Spirit to choose life over death, and to taste and see that the Lord is good.


  • Share some stories of the good things God has done in your lives to encourage one another and to remember His goodness.
  • Which of these barriers do you struggle with?
  • Are there other things that become barriers to us tasting and seeing that the Lord is good? What are these?
  • Which steps of faith are you going to take going forward, to either accept the Lord, or live for him fully? (go to alpha, reading more of the bible, getting baptised)
  • Spend time praying for each other to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit and to have ever increasing experiences of God, or to give your life to Him.