A Living Hope in Public (1 Peter 2: 11-17)


  • Read the passage (1 Peter 2:11-17). What is your first reaction to these verses? In these verses there are 3 'S' words which were part of the message; can you remember them?

  • In what way was Jesus subject to human institutions ('established ways of being')? In what was was he a sojourner? Which of these do you find harder?

  • How do you feel about 'being subject to every 'human institution?' (v13) What are the challenges to this? What are the limits/boundaries to this?

  • In what ways are you subject to those around you? Are there particular people or situations you are subject to, that you are asking/trusting God to use you?

  • Gordon listed some practical ways you can apply this; proactively doing attractive things with faith, expect battles inside and out, pray for those in leadership, participate in life around you through the everyday (or even serving in a local community/student/school/political institution in some way). Is there one of these which connects with you?

  • Gordon spoke about his mum becoming Christian as an example of God's faithfulness through our witness over a long period of time. How did this encourage you, and who are you faithfully witnessing to?