A Living Hope Whilst Suffering (1 Peter 4: 12-19)

God will judge the world for the way it acts and behaves, but in this life God starts by judging the church, so that she can be purified and an example of God’s grace. He also points out that not all suffering is because of God’s testing, some is brought on ourselves by unwise behaviour and sin, for example murder, stealing and maybe surprisingly, meddling.


  • Can you think of some Old Testament passages where God tests his people, as a way of refining their faith? Maybe go around the group and think of different occasions. God doesn’t change. He has just moved his focus from the Jewish nation to all believers in Christ. Are there any examples in the Book of Acts that you can think of where God purifies the church?

  • It is widely thought that this passage does not just refer to those who are suffering from persecution, but to any suffering that are trying to follow Christ. Have you any personal examples of where you can clearly testify that God was working on an area in your life, and used a difficult circumstance to address it for you?

  • On the subject of 'meddling', look Proverbs 26:17. Can you think of occasions where you know you have ‘meddled’ and it has backfired. Or situations where people have tried to exert influence in other people’s responsibilities that was unhelpful ? It can particularly be a problem for parents not fully letting go of their married sons and daughters; or where someone had responsibility for someone or something but doesn't any longer.

  • Pray in 3’s for each other, in particular for those that are currently undergoing trial, that they would know God’s grace and be reminded of the ultimate goal. Verse 13 reminds us to keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation!