The Church

In Matthew 16 Jesus has a conversation with his disciples about the Church. Jesus promised, “I will build my Church”. Historically Christians have drifted into institutionalism or individualism, but both of those are a distortion of Jesus' intent: a gathered community that worships Jesus and makes him known.

The Greek word “Ekklesia” used for church had connotations from Old Testament times. It referred to the covenant community of God’s people, who would gather to worship, pray, receive revelation and see God’s power at work. It was a community with clear standards and understanding of right and wrong, holding one another to account.

What would Jesus say? (Matthew 16)

1. “It’s My church”

We’re not free to follow Jesus in any way we see fit, but according to his revealed way. Our main goal is not to appeal to popular culture but to obey Jesus. Our outworking of the Christian faith must always revolve around the understanding of Jesus principal aim to build his church.

2. “Church leaders are chosen by God’s revelation, not human qualification”

Peter’s understanding of Jesus as Messiah came from God. On this “rock” (revelation of who Jesus is), Jesus promises to build his church. Jesus told His disciples to beware of the Pharisees (the experts in religion). Look for those who know Jesus and are called by him to lead.

3. “Church has a mission”

To “bind and loose” according to “what God has bound and loosed in heaven”. The church is called to mirror it’s heavenly Father’s will on earth. When Peter preached to the gentiles (who were clearly already on God’s heart), he simply put the key in the lock.

4. “The Church must look like it’s Founder”

Jesus said, “take up your cross and follow me”. Church is where we find our life by losing it in service to others.

Jesus is still building his church today. The great Commission (Matthew 28) to go and make disciples was understood by the disciples to mean, “go and preach Jesus and start churches wherever you go”. We must do the same.


  • Warped view of church #1. Do you err towards seeing church as a Human Institution or as a loose gathering of Individuals? How does Jesus view his church?

  • Warped view of church #2. Some would teach that Church is a “pastoral” community and mission happens “outside the church”. How would Jesus challenge this view? What should it really look like?

  • If Jesus has given his church “the keys to the Kingdom”, How does that encourage us in our witness for Christ?

  • "Leadership is about revelation not qualifications”. Do you agree? How would you test out a leaders credentials to lead?

  • What practical ways can we “take up our cross” within the community of God’s people?