
Nothing Less

The Philippians were a healthy church in a great city: we think there is much we can learn from them. He challenges them not to settle, not to get fixated with the things of this life, and he points them towards Christ.

We're calling this series 'Nothing Less' because it encapsulates Paul's attitude towards God and His people. Mediocre faith and half-hearted following of Jesus isn't an option. God has so much more for us. We will be working through the letter in order, with each preach highlighting a different aspect of Paul's message to the Philippians, and to us.

  1. Total Unity (1: 1-11)
  2. Total Focus (1: 12-26)
  3. Total Commitment (1: 27-30)
  4. Total Humility (2: 1-5)
  5. Total Victory (2: 5-11)
  6. Total Obedience (2: 12-18)
  7. Total Trust (2: 19-30)
  8. Total Confidence (3: 1-8)
  9. Total Righteousness (3: 9-14)
  10. Total Imitation (3: 15-21)
  11. Total Joy (4: 1-9)
  12. Total Contentment (4: 10-18)
  13. Total Provision (4: 19-23)

Total Unity

2016-01-03 - Nathanael Smith

Nathanael Smith kicks off our new series in the book of Philippians. Before that, Luke introduces, 'Nothing Less'.

Total Focus

2016-01-10 - Luke Davydaitis

Paul makes three crazy-seeming statements in this passage, which only make sense if we understand his total focus on the gospel. God wants us to see things the same way.

Total Commitment

2016-01-24 - Dan Hudson

The Gospel calls its recipients into a new life with God, pleasing him and serving others. In this passage Paul teaches that the calling on every Christian is to “conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel”, and that by the Spirit’s help we're enabled to live that way.

Total Humility

2016-02-07 - Dan Hudson

At the centre of the Christian faith is a saviour who took on the confines of humanity, served them and died on their behalf. Christians joyfully follow Jesus in his attitude towards others.

Total Victory

2016-02-14 - Luke Davydaitis

Paul takes us on Jesus’ journey from heaven to earth and back again, showing His eternal divinity and incredible humility and looking forward to the glorious certain hope to come. God’s victory is total and we can share in it, even in our daily lives.

Total Obedience

2016-02-21 - Matthew Clifton-Brown

Philippians 2 shows us what Christ's obedience looks like. We love to see other people being obedient – employees, children, people serving us – but we're less keen on doing this ourselves. Total Obedience means not just doing what God says but delighting in doing it. How can we do this?

The first 10 minutes of this message is missing. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Total Trust

2016-02-28 - Dan Hudson

We live in a world devoid of trust. Our lives our built around routines of distrust, from locking our doors to carrying ID cards. Worldly thinking at it’s extremes might say “trust no-one”, because no-one is trustworthy. But God’s intention is for us to completely trust in Jesus (the only fully trustworthy person to have ever lived) and also to grow in relationships of trust within marriage, friendship and church community.

Total Confidence

2016-03-20 - Luke Davydaitis

Everyone puts their confidence in something. Paul says that anything other than Jesus, however good it may be, is total rubbish in comparison to Him, so we must make sure that we put our trust in Him only.

Total Righteousness

2016-04-03 - Dan Hudson

Everything that Paul once considered to be in his 'credit' column, he now counted as loss compared to his righteousness in Christ. Through this passage in Philippians 3, Dan Hudson shows us that a relationship with God is our greatest possession, our greatest experience, and our greatest purpose.

Total Imitation

2016-04-10 - Luke Davydaitis

Christians are not meant to be original. In Philippians 3:17-21, Paul encourages his readers to imitate people who are following Jesus. This is different to how most of us think but it is part of God’s great plan to make us like Jesus.

Total Joy

2016-04-24 - Luke Davydaitis

Being joyful isn't an option for Christians - it is commanded! But more than just commanding this, God enables us to be joyful by sharing Himself with us. Luke explores how we can rejoice in the Lord always.

Total Contentment

2016-05-01 - Matthew Clifton-Brown

Christians can be content whatever the circumstances, according to Paul. We can see how this is possible and what it look like in Philippians 4:10-14.

Total Provision

2016-05-08 - Luke Davydaitis

What happens when we give to God’s Kingdom? Paul finished his letter to the Philippians with a description of six things that God does when we give. Comprehending all of these helps us to give with faith and joy.