
Life Through God's Eyes


2017-09-10 - Luke Davydaitis

Our new preaching series starts with Paul's prayer of praise in chapel 1, looking at what it tells us about Christians being chosen by God. Seen through the life of Joseph, we can see how God is the author and main actor of everything, but that we're fully involved too.

Made Holy

2017-09-17 - Dan Hudson

Ephesians begins with these remarkable words of address: “to God’s holy people in Ephesus”, not describing a sub-group within the church but the whole church in Ephesus.

In Christ

2017-09-24 - Luke Davydaitis

Perhaps the most commonly-used phrase to describe Christians in the New Testament is “in Christ”. Its three key meanings of where we put our faith, what Christ has done for us, and how we are united to Him are vital for Christians to comprehend if we’re to understand ourselves and God’s relationship with us.


2017-10-08 - Dan Hudson

The blood of Jesus has won freedom from slavery for everyone who puts their faith in Him.

Dead, then Alive

2017-10-15 - Luke Davydaitis

Paul uses dramatic but accurate language to describe the amazing change God has made to every Christian: taking those who were spiritually dead and making them eternally alive in Jesus.

The Power of Grace

2017-10-22 - Dan Hudson

Grace is the most powerful force in the whole world. It changes lives, past, present and future.


2017-10-29 - Matthew Clifton-Brown

The solution for a divided world is a united church. According to Ephesians, the church that Jesus builds isn’t just an extension of Jewish religion. Rather it is a community where anyone can belong and be equal as children of God through faith in Jesus.

God's Incredible Church

2017-11-26 - Matthew Clifton-Brown

God has chosen the church as his body. He has chosen the frailty of man, and brought together as a ‘one new man in Christ' lots of different nations, social classes, and people who would normally not particularly get on together!

A Dwelling Place For God

2017-12-03 - Dan Hudson

The story of scripture is of a God who chooses to dwell on earth with his people. From Genesis in Eden where God walked with the first man and woman, to the eternal city of Revelation 21 where God lives forevermore, God has chosen to dwell on earth. The Church is God’s new Temple. It fulfills all the prophecies of God’s presence that the physical temple in Jerusalem never did. God wants us to love the local church as his Temple in every village, town and city. He wants his Church to be a place where people meet him.

Another Way to Pray

2017-12-10 - Luke Davydaitis

Most of us spend most of our prayer times asking for things, but Ephesians 3:14-21 shows us that God wants us to ask for Him too! Paul prays that we be empowered by God’s Holy Spirit to experience God’s presence and understand God’s greatness.