4. Overcoming Intimidation

Dave Holden

Our Missional Church 2016 conference saw us joining together with Hope Church Borders for a day of inspiration and teaching that we believe will lead to more people hearing the gospel and more churches being planted.

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Small Group Notes: PDF HTML

  • What did God speak to you about at Together For Scotland 2016?
  • What are the steps you need to take to respond to what God said?
  • What vision or prayers inspired you and do you want to keep asking God for?
  • Dave spoke about being intimidated when faced with challenges - what is intimidating you and what do you need to believe/remember to step into what God has called you to do?

  • Which of the 6 characteristics of churches that impact their communities that Dave Holden mentioned most surprised you? Why is it important and what should it look like for King's?
    1. Apostolic and prophetic foundations (Ephesians 2:20).
    2. Proclaim a gospel authenticated by signs and wonders (Acts 8:4-8).
    3. Know that the Holy Spirit is given primarily for mission (Acts 1:8).
    4. Know that the Kingdom of God will be demonstrated primarily through the local church (Matthew 5:13-16).
    5. Believe the gospel is for everyone (Romans 1:5, Ephesians 2:14-16).
    6. They know the cost (2 Corinthians 12:10, John 16:33).

  • Daniel Goodman spoke on gospel-centred discipleship. How can these questions (in this order) help us to help others be shaped by the gospel rather than anything else?
    1. Who is God?
    2. What has He done (in Christ)?
    3. Who are we? (The answer to this relies entirely on the first two answers.)
    4. What do we do? (Again, should be determined by the answer to first three questions.)