What would Jesus say about Himself?

Nathanael Smith

Jesus made claims about himself that are backed up by his actions in life and that demand a response from us.

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Jesus was never just a nice teacher with some good moral lessons, he repeatedly made claims about himself that he was divine, sent from God the Father and was the only way to access salvation, eternal life and a relationship with the Father. These are exclusive, inflammatory claims that require a response from anyone who hears them.

Nathanael covered three of these claims:

Claim 1: “You search the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me.” – John 5:39

  • You can see this because of the sheer number of times it says throughout the gospels, “He did this to fulfil…

Claim 2: “I and the Father are one.” – John 10:30

  • Jesus himself invites people to check him on this one by saying that they should only listen if he does the works of the father.
  • He backed it up by refusing to stay dead.

Claim 3: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” – John 14:6

  • We’ve tried everything else and none of it has worked.
  • If the other two claims are true, this one must be, too, right?

All of these claims demand a response.


  • What claims do you think you can safely make about yourself without sounding arrogant? And be honest – some things you can say! E.g. I am a good teacher. I do pretty well at my job. I can cycle from church to my flat in 10 minutes flat.

  • Which of Jesus’ claims is hardest to swallow in the modern world and why?

  • How do Jesus’ claims about himself affect your devotional time?

  • How do Jesus’ claims about himself affect the way you share the gospel?