What would Jesus say about work?

Sandy Deans

The bible tells us that we are made for work and that God has given us work to do. Genesis 1:26: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” God, the Creator, the Author, the Gardener, formed us and gives us dominion over the earth. He makes us in His image: creators, authors and gardeners with roles to play as part of his Kingdom, for His glory.

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Genesis 1:26 - 2:2; 2:7-9,15

1. What we are called to do.

God didn’t make work to punish us but work is something God does - it has dignity.

In heaven, we will have jobs to do; we will be like Him and rule with Him.

Whether you’ve got your dream job, or no job, whether what you do pays well or doesn’t pay at all, whether you have a plan or you don’t have a clue, know that your Father came to earth and got his hands dirty.

Your work has dignity because He made you, in His image to do it.

2. How we are going to do it?

The key to lasting motivation in work is to find fulfilment in what you currently are called to do and I have three checks that help ground our work.

Check 1 – Look in.

Just as God himself did, You all, by the Spirit, are made to bring something new out of the dust to bring order out of chaos.

Check 2 - Look out

Verse 15:2 – Take care of your garden. By grace God has given you each a garden to cultivate, in grace, cultivate it well.

Check 3 - Whatever you do, don’t look down - Look up!

Look up to the one who has called you. As we run with endurance the race that is set before us, look to Jesus, who through his work on the cross has made a way for our eternal affirmation from God.

3. An essential truth in getting it done.

The Bible is realistic in showing us exactly what we need in order to realign or bridge this gap in our understanding or experience of work.

The essential truth here is - we need to rest.

See Psalm 3 5-6.

God’s plan and purpose for us is far greater than the roles we define for ourselves. It is finished! Jesus did everything necessary for us to be secure in God’s eyes and to know the fathers approval. We no longer have to strive, working for the work, trying to find a being in our doing. Jesus gives us all an invitation to rest… ‘Come to me all you who are weak, weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.’ Remember the greatest of all works is finished, God the creator has made us stewards of His creation and we are given the chance to create with him. In Him we find true fulfillment and have true deep rest.


  • What is your ‘garden’?

  • Which of the three, ‘Looking in, looking out or looking up’ do you find the easiest?

  • Can you think of any ‘loss-leaders’ or opportunities for you to steward well?

  • Mud pies or a holiday by the sea? Where do you look for affirmation and do you find this helpful?

  • Do you need rest in your current season? - Pray