Jesus Gives us His Spirit Sandy Deans
We are being brought into relationship with God, through the work of the Spirit.
In the Old Testament the spirit came and anointed only individuals but now, the secret that Paul writes about – that was kept hidden for all that time - is not Christ beside us, not Christ near us, but it is Christ within us.
There is a point in salvation, or becoming a Christian, that the spirit leads us through and bridges the supernatural gap between us and relationship with God. We are reconciled by what Christ has done in His death and resurrection, but we need active engagement – and as we come to that place of reaching out to God, that is the Spirit working in us from the start and we are born again.
Receiving the spirit is in what we believe as Christians – 1 Cor 12:3 says: ‘…no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except in the Holy Spirit' This may seem too straightforward, but this is crucial evidence of the Spirit’s activity in us. It’s not possible to say and mean ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit and the Spirit leads us to Jesus.
The Holy Spirit is given to us by Jesus, all we must do is ask and we will know heart change but mostly, the fullness of life that comes in being ‘in step’ with Him.
- Read the first few verses Sandy referenced in His preach. (John 14:16-17, Coll 1:26-27, Eph 1:13-14 and 1 Cor 12:3). Did any of those help you understand the Holy Spirit better?
- As a Christian, what has God changed about you most evidently and describe the change in your own heart through that process or moment?
- Sandy shared knowing real joy and peace when He was filled with the spirit. What do you desire in your relationship with God? Have you asked?
In response, take time to read the following psalms and worship together. Ps 27:4-5, 139:7-8, 23:4, 51:11, 84:1-2 and; 42:1-2 (if you don’t have a musician, play some back-ground music such as ‘Without words’ by Bethel and read these over the music.) Spend time in worship and take the opportunity to call out, sing out and step out during that time.
If you need strength and encouragement in a specific area or desire to grow in one of Matts five areas (see last weeks notes). Break down into smaller groups, share and pray that the spirit comes and fills you once more, or for the first time.