
Jesus Saves

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8), so the things we see Him doing in Luke’s gospel are the same things He is doing now. This is good news for sinners, the hopeless, the sick… all of us. For Christians looking to follow Jesus, these powerful actions are our orders!

Jesus Welcomes Sinners

2018-04-29 - Nathanael Smith

Jesus befriended sinners. It’s one of the first things you learn as a Christian, that Jesus was the type of person who welcomed in sinners and befriended those people who were outcasts in society. It’s the kind of sentiment that can just become quite familiar to Christians. But look at the implications of it and it turns out to be an absolute game-changer.

Jesus Doesn't do What we Expect

2018-05-06 - Luke Davydaitis

Trapped in prison, John the Baptist struggled with disappointment as Jesus did many wonderful things nearby but didn’t set him free. All of us have to deal with Jesus doing things we don’t expect, and not doing what we want. He will give us grace to keep trusting Him in these difficult times.

Jesus Loves Worship

2018-05-13 - Alice King

Jesus loves worship, because it is an outward demonstration of our inward love for God. Jesus loves worship, because it shows that we see ourselves for who we are, and we see God for who he is.

Jesus Looks For Faith

2018-05-27 - Andy Wall

Faith is being persuaded about something and the Roman Centurion was persuaded that Jesus could heal his servant. This is the kind of faith God is looking for in us and wants to give us.

Jesus Heals the Sick

2018-06-03 - Chris Rawson

Jesus has authority over sickness and death. This same authority has been given to His followers, so praying for the sick should be a normal part of obedient Christian life.

Jesus Sends Us

2018-06-10 - Karis McDonald

Jesus sends us because He wants people to know how much He loves them and that they can find life through Him. We need to obey Jesus and to go in faith, filled with the Holy Spirit to become catchers of people.

Jesus Gives us His Spirit

2018-06-17 - Sandy Deans

We are being brought into relationship with God, through the work of the Spirit.